
Quick Update

Quick Update Sep. 12, 2014

I'm just going to throw in a quick little update for my characters - just some minor changes in design at most.

Overall Changes for all Characters

- All characters are now drawn at approximately the same height. Ain't nobody got time to draw height differences.
- Will have more... poses?


[Me] If you found me in the updated Atomic Acid Crew picture, congrats. I'll be using that style for the summer, mostly. Still needs more work.
[Phil] Right side of face no longer has a jagged edge.
[NMR8R] Head is slightly smaller, it was a bit huge. His blue markings seem to have faded away... Is it a sign of some sort?
[Louise & Aaron] More versatile. They wouldn't be looking the same every time
[Green] Green has went back to the dark side (for now), thus turning his/her fur a purple void color.
[Beartrap] No changes here.


The Atomic Acid Crew - Updated

Welcome Dude and Doug the Devil Dog into the crew!
They came after the first one was made.
All characters here belong to their respective owners.